Terms Of Use

Before completing your membership to NPPAJobSearch.com, please read the following terms and conditions.

NPPAJobSearch.com Advertising Terms and Conditions

General – By submitting advertising or job postings for inclusion on NPPAJobSearch.com you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. This contract supersedes all terms and conditions and any previous agreements between NPPAJobSearch.com and advertiser. All contents of advertisements are subject to NPPAJobSearch.com's approval. NPPAJobSearch.com reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, job posting or URL link, at any time, for any reason. Each advertiser is defined as one unique user with one unique password. Each password is for the sole use of the registered user of NPPAJobSearch.com. If you share your password with other employees in your organization all users will be bound by the terms of this agreement.

NPPAJobSearch.com authorizes you to view and access a single copy of the content available on or from NPPAJobSearch.com.com. The contents of NPPAJobSearch.com.com, and of all other websites under NPPAJobSearch.com's control, whether partial or otherwise (NPPAJobSearch.com.com and such other websites are sometimes collectively referred to as "NPPAJobSearch.com Sites") such as text, graphics, images, logos, button icons, software and other NPPAJobSearch.com content (collectively, "NPPAJobSearch.com Content"), are protected under both United States and foreign copyright, trademark and other laws. All NPPAJobSearch.com Content is the property of NPPAJobSearch.com or its content suppliers or clients. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all content on the NPPAJobSearch.com Sites is the exclusive property of NPPAJobSearch.com and is protected by United States and foreign copyright, trademark, and other laws. Unauthorized use of the NPPAJobSearch.com Content may violate these laws, and is strictly prohibited. You must retain all copyright, trademarks, service mark and other proprietary notices contained in the original NPPAJobSearch.com Content on any authorized copy you make of the NPPAJobSearch.com Content. You agree not to sell or modify the NPPAJobSearch.com Content or reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute, or otherwise use the NPPAJobSearch.com Content in any way for any public or commercial purpose, in connection with products or services that are not those of NPPAJobSearch.com, in any other manner that is likely to cause confusion among consumers, that disparages or discredits NPPAJobSearch.com or its licensors, that dilutes the strength of NPPAJobSearch.com or its licensor's property, or that otherwise infringes NPPAJobSearch.com or its licensor's intellectual property rights. You further agree to in no other way misuse NPPAJobSearch.com Content that appears on this Site. The use of the NPPAJobSearch.com Content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. Any code that NPPAJobSearch.com creates to generate or display any NPPAJobSearch.com Content or the pages making up any NPPAJobSearch.com Site is also protected by NPPAJobSearch.com's copyright and you may not copy or adapt such code.

Term and Termination – Jobs and advertisements, unless otherwise noted, will automatically expire at the end of the term. Advertisers can log into their account and renew their job or advertisement prior to its expiration.These Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect while you are a user on NPPAJobSearch.com at any level. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to pursue all of our legal remedies, including but not limited to deletion of your user content from the site and immediate termination of your registration with or ability to access NPPAJobSearch.com.

Payment - Checks, Visa andMasterCard are accepted. Check payments not honored by financial institutions are voided and a $50.00 fee is added to the amount due for the current billing cycle. All payments more than 30 days past due will bear the interest at the rate of one and one half percent (1½%) per month from the date of invoice or the due date, whichever is later.

Changes and Cancellations – Either NPPAJobSearch.com or Advertiser may cancel this agreement at any time by calling or emailing the NPPAJobSearch.com Customer Support team. NPPAJobSearch.com may also cancel the agreement if Advertiser has failed to make any payment when due or has become bankrupt or insolvent. These Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect while you are a user on NPPAJobSearch.com at any level. If NPPAJobSearch.com cancels a membership due to breach of terms, or failure to make payments, the Advertiser will not be entitled to any refund of fees paid. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to pursue all of our legal remedies, including but not limited to deletion of your user content from the site and immediate termination of your registration with or ability to access NPPAJobSearch.com.

Limitation of Liability – Any failure, interruption, or delay in service to the site under this agreement, either in whole or in part, resulting from technical difficulties or mechanical failure of computer equipment or internet service, or from strikes, labor disputes, war or national emergencies, governmental restrictions, acts of God, or from any other cause beyond the control of NPPAJobSearch.com, shall not constitute a breach of this agreement. Any damages sustained by advertiser as a result of NPPAJobSearch.com's breach of this agreement shall be limited to an amount equal to the monies paid by advertiser to NPPAJobSearch.com during the billing period in which the incident occurred.

Miscellaneous – You understand that job seekers make the choice to respond to your advertisement and may, at their sole discretion, provide you with their contact information and resume. While NPPAJobSearch.com endeavors to provide the most accurate, up to date information, the self-reporting job seeker data may contain inaccuracies or errors and may be changed or updated without notice; we do not verify job seeker data and will not be liable for any such inaccuracies, errors or updates. In preparing and submitting advertisements or job postings to NPPAJobSearch.com you will abide by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding truth in advertising and equal opportunity laws. You will not use the service to commit a crime, libel, slander, or infringe upon the rights of any third party.

You understand and agree that NPPAJobSearch.com has not undertaken to act as your agent or representative in dealing with any job seeker and will not be your advocate or agent in any way. You are responsible for negotiating all interviews and financial arrangements directly with the job seeker.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Georgia; both parties expressly agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of Georgia courts. No conditions other than those set forth herein shall be binding on NPPAJobSearch.com unless specifically agreed to in writing by NPPAJobSearch.com.